Day 7 XWA Burning Bridges

After our sixth evening out Mykenna and I were getting dialed in.  We both awoke with the rising sun, ate breakfast (cold instant coffee and Pop Tart Bites) and were packed, strapped and rolling by half past five.  We made good time on good roads when, a mile outside of Pine City, we followed bike […]

Day 6 XWA – Killer Clown

At first light, Mykenna and I realized that we’d slept less than one hundred yards from a semi-permanent encampment occupied by an odd lady and several dogs enclosed in a makeshift chainlink enclosure.  She later told Mykenna that if he didn’t “behave himself” she’d have to release the dogs.  He behaved himself. The bivy thing […]

Day 5 XWA – Wind Trap

I’m not gonna lie, a mattress and a shower are good and welcome things.  With a good night’s sleep in the can, Mykenna and I opened up the Fred Meyer at six where we stuffed our pockets with as much calorie dense food as we could carry.  Our next resupply would be Ephrata, a tough […]

Day 4 XWA – All Hell Breaks Loose

The Thorpe bivy wasn’t too bad.  I sure was happy that I’d purchased that new fifteen-degree bag two days before the Grand Depart.  By fortunate accident I’d placed my feet in the direction of the wind, which significantly reduced the breeze blowing through my shelter.  The trailhead restroom was also welcome. Mykenna doesn’t drink coffee, […]

Day 3 Up and Over

Well, we certainly didn’t get our money’s worth out of our stay at the Anderson School as we spent only a little over five hours on the premises.  The same guy who had checked me in a twelve fifteen checked me out at five thirty.  We rolled out under cloudy but dry skies and coasted […]

Twilight – XWA Day 1

Writing about the Cross Washington Mountain Bike Race (XWA) is proving to be as difficult as the event itself.  I suppose that I’ll approach this challenge in the same manner I approached the race – start at the beginning and move steady towards the finish. In the Beginning With road racing being shut down due […]