Whitehorse Trail Survey

Early last summer, or late last spring, Ben D and I voyaged up to the northern Washington town of Darrington to ride Rat Trap Pass.  On the drive up we noticed a trail alongside Highway 530 that we later learned was the Whitehorse Trail.  Further research revealed that the trail runs twenty seven miles linking […]

Seattle Eastside Mixed Media

The nice thing about owning a capable “all-road” bicycle is the ability to ride all roads.  And trails too.  For the past year and a half I’ve been exploring the unpaved roads and trails in and around Seattle.  I recently used a bit of what I learned to sew together a mixed media route starting […]

Willapa Hills

One aspect that I enjoy about exploration and adventure is that one project often leads to another.  While researching an upcoming trip a door typically opens to a new undiscovered opportunity. While doing some casual online research on Troy Hopwood’s XWA (Cross Washington) route I stumbled onto a map of the Willapa Hills Trail: a […]

Bivies, Tarps and Tents

I come to bikepacking from a climbing background and thus I see shelter from the lens and history of a mountaineer.  One difference between the climbing and bikepacking culture seems to be that bikepackers tend to prefer solo sleeping systems.  This makes sense as solo technical mountaineering is dangerous and rare whereas solo bikepacking is […]

Gun Lube?

I’ve learned that if you’re gonna ride here in the Pacific Northwest you’re gonna have to adopt a regular bicycle chain maintenance program.  Few things in the cycling life are as irritating as a crunchy chain. Chain lubrication does two things: reduces friction between moving parts and prevents corrosion, neither of which require large amounts […]